How Hyperbarics Helps Fibromyalgia Treatment
Hyperbaric treatment for fibromyalgia heals lesions, improving brain function and greatly reducing pain
Fibromyalgia is a painful and devastating disease. It causes damage to the lives of the person suffering with the disease as well as suffering for their families. The pain, weakness, fatigue, sleep problems and brain impairments are crippling. Many fibromyalgia patients have lesions in their brains that show up on brain scans. In December 2018, a study of fibromyalgia patients showed that hyperbaric oxygen therapy heals these lesions, leading patient brain function to improve dramatically.
Patients’ brain scans were taken prior to hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT), then again after 60 hyperbaric oxygen treatments, using two types of brain imaging. The study showed there was often a reduction in, and in some cases the complete resolution of, the lesions found in patients with fibromyalgia. The researchers found that 70% of the patients in the study also showed dramatic improvement in their symptoms. In fact, many of the patients no longer met the medical criteria of fibromyalgia. In addition, these patients’ brain functions improved dramatically, and their brain imaging showed significant improvement. This study gives hope to those of us who have, or who know someone who has fibromyalgia!
It is true that hyperbaric oxygen therapy requires time and commitment.
However, patients have shared that it was the one treatment that gave them their lives back, and they are deeply grateful for our support and assistance. We have been proudly healing patients at Bay Area Hyperbarics for over 25 years. Let us help you.